2018년 1월 31일 수요일

[Anti-aging Treatment] A patient did full face fat grafting and got her confidence back!


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[You can realize your dream of 'wannabe' with us!]
#Fullercheek #Dentedarea #Flatforehead #Dintedjowls #Thicknasolabialfolds #Volunmizeface #Fatgrafting #PRP #Fatinjecting #Miniliposuction #Autografting #Plasma #Highsurvivalrate #Beyounger #Olderlook #Fatfilling #Temple #WannabePlasticSurgery #AhbGuJungPlsticSurgery

[Anti-aging Treatment] Full face fat grafting at Wannabe

Hey y'all. I had a full face fat grafting on December 30th in 2017 and finally reset my life with a new face in 2018.
Do you want to know how?
Actually my facial shape looked weird because of protruded cheeks and flat forehead.
Those were the main issue I had with my face and it was quite stressful.
But once I received fat injection on those area, all this problem I had solved.
I keep getting this compliment from people around me that I have such great facial line from the side view and whichever I take a selfie,
I look just awesome.  Off the record, I am not an old person!
The photos you are looking at up above there is 2 weeks post operation.
Ever since I did fat injection, I feel like I am a different person and I feel much better than ever before.
All my friend is also asking me that whenever they look at my face they would love to do the fat injection as well and guess what I say?
Go for it! Because I do satisfy with the result from the bottom of my heart!
Thank you Dr. Cha Myung Kyu and the nicest lady who consulted me from the beginning till the end.

I really do. 

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Wechat: wannabekr
#Fullercheek #Dentedarea #Flatforehead #Dintedjowls #Thicknasolabialfolds #Volunmizeface #Fatgrafting #PRP #Fatinjecting #Miniliposuction #Autografting #Plasma #Highsurvivalrate #Beyounger #Olderlook #Fatfilling #Temple #WannabePlasticSurgery #AhbGuJungPlsticSurgery
[You can realize your dream of 'wannabe' with us!]

2018년 1월 29일 월요일

[Breast Augmentation] Amazing transformation !

Wannabe Plastic Surgery performs memmoplasty using Bella Gel implant which is approved by  FDA.   The texture of itself is made as precisely.   Take a look at this real review from a patient who underwent memmoplasty. 
Hello. Dr. Chang. 
It has been already 2 months since I went under a knife. 
Before I actually made up my mind to do breasts augmentation I had just concerned about this for a while.  But all of sudden as the weather gets warmer I was telling to myself that maybe I would miss a chance to have fuller breasts so I finally moved on to my plan. 
You know what is the funniest part? It is that I do not remember my before look. 
I question to myself that have I ever owned flat breasts before? Hahaha
Since the operation done, I have completed all post surgery treatment and I got healed really faster so I am planning to go to trip to abroad wearing all this beautiful clothes and under wears.    
I bet sooner or later many women would go on a diet for Summer body but I got nice breasts that make me look having glass hour effect so I keep focusing on managing my weight and body figure by naturally.  I was actually a quitter who give up on something easily before but not anymore.
Dr. Chang made my life  completely different in a good way and a better way in everything. 
I would like to thank to Dr. Chang who created such a magic on my boobs and the nurses who always smiled at me and treated me nicely even though I came to the clinic late most of the time.
Thank you Wannabe and I would never forget about your kind and sincere service.
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#Breastsaugmentation #Boobsjob #Unevensize #Reconstructivesurgeryforbreasts #Invertednipples
#Nipplereduction #Breastsreduction #Bigbreasts #Reduceboobsize #Incisionunderneathbreasts #Incisionunderneatharmpits #Acup #Sleepsedation #BellaGel #Gynecomastia #Areorlareduction #Implantsforboobsjob #BestplasticsurgeryinSeoul #Wannabeplasticsurgery

2018년 1월 21일 일요일

[Breasts Augmentation] Incredible result after implanting Bella Gel

The pictures you are looking at now was the 3rd week after post surgery but in real life it has been almost 4 weeks. 
My height is 160cm tall and my weight is about 40kg which is closed to skinny type of body.
I feel like I am a complete new person.  Before I underwent the surgery I had man chest which was my biggest concerns.  There is no limited choice of what to wear everyday anymore. 
I listened to my consultant's advice which was inserting 200cc implants and actually I tried not to be so greedy for picking the size.  I look awesome when I put on clothes something tight to my body.
Literally I had no boobs and I had so much stress because of that but when I had a consultation at Wannabe, I decided to go under a knife after hearing from the doctor's well explanation.
I believe that I will be satisfied with myself 300% if there is no such a side effect due to the surgery.
Dr. Chang Cheol Ho is notorious surgeon who operates really really good eye surgery but I was actually amazed by his highly skillful performance on breasts augmentation surgery as well.
For those who are seeking the best clinic for breasts augmentation surgery, I would love to recommend Wannabe Plastic surgery! They are incredible!

★For free consultation, contact us today★

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr

#Breastsaugmentation #Boobsjob #Unevensize #Reconstructivesurgeryforbreasts #Invertednipples
#Nipplereduction #Breastsreduction #Bigbreasts #Reduceboobsize #Incisionunderneathbreasts #Incisionunderneatharmpits #Acup #Sleepsedation #BellaGel #Gynecomastia #Areorlareduction #Implantsforboobsjob #BestplasticsurgeryinSeoul #Wannabeplasticsurgery

2018년 1월 19일 금요일

[A petit procedure at Wannabe Plastic Surgery] chin and lip augmentation by filler injection

I was supposed to injected filler just on my chin but while I was waiting for my turn to have a consultation at the hospital, I checked those before and after photos of Angel Lip filler and the result took my breath away. They were amazing. That is how I got Angel Lip filler and chin filler.
I paid for both procedures without hesitation. hahaha
I sort of worried that it would hurt but this nice consultant kept encouraging me and calming me down. Dr. Cha Myung Kyu treated me and he seemed like he injected well in detail.
I expected my corner lips to be lifted enough to make my facial impression looks smiley all the time
and the result was great!! Also my chin was flat as field but after the injection I have a v-line shape!!!
You know what I have been hearing from my co-workers nowadays?
I look pretty and have such a small face.   
Are you confused with making decision to have filler? Don't be hesitate. Just do it! 
You won't be regret with the result at Wannabe.
I highly recommend this clinic to everyone! 

★Dr.Cha Myung Kyu completed the procedure
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#Nomoreoverlinelips #Fillerinjection DontneedKyleJennerlipchallenge#Puffylips#nomoroverlinelips

[Rhinoplasty specialized Wannabe Plastic Surgery] A male nose with hump and bulbous tip


Dr. Cha Myung Kyu performed the whole surgery and the patient looks surely handsome.
He had a hump and long droopy nose but his nose tip was closed to bulbous nose shape.
Right now, he can debut as a K-pop idol member :)
The most important face feature is nose indeed.  The whole impression is changed.
Contact us today for free consultation.

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr

#RhinoplastyKorea #Lownose #Bulbousnose #Hump #Humpreduction #Deviatednose #Shortnose #Bigalar #Nosejob #Noserevision #Upturnednose #Bignose #Pignose #Nostrilreduction
#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
#DrCharMyungKyu #DrChangCheolHo #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Arrownose#Snubnose

2018년 1월 18일 목요일

[Double Eyelid Surgery Specialized Wannabe Plastic Surgery] Natural adhesion with dark circle removal surgery

A total free consultation.
You can have desired look with us.
Contact us today.

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#naturaladhesion#partialincision#eyerevisionspecialist#Wannabeplasticsurgery#AhbGuJungPlasticSurgery #Continuouspostsurgeryservice#ptosiscorrection#innercore#medialcanthoplasty

2018년 1월 17일 수요일

[Rhinoplasty Specialized Wannabe Plastic Surgery] Fat injection on forehead with nose job

Hello people.  I have underwent my surgery last year.  Actually it was August 4th in 2017.
I know it is too late to post my review now.  Actually I had many things to handle for a while so I am so sorry Wannabe!
Anyway, I believe everyone out there has their own facial complexion to carry on whether they live with it or fix it.
I used to dislike my hollow jowls and low nose tip and low nasal bridge so I had nose filler a several times to have a high nose tip but
the disadvantage of getting filler injection would not last permanent. I decided to have surgery due to repetitive treatment costs extra money and time takes longer so I Knew about Wannabe Plastic Surgery through one of my friends introduced to me.
During the consultation, I kept thinking about the adverse effects, anesthetic issue and basically all about the surgery matter.
My consultant, Park Seul Gi caught my concerns and she explained well enough to make me understood the procedure and especially when I had a meeting with the doctor I was determined to proceed the surgery at Wannabe Plastic Surgery. 
Dr. Cha Myung Kyu pointed out a few important facts I should comprehensive first before undergoing surgery. 
Following photos explain the whole process of procedure.

This was taken before undergoing surgery.  Can you see that my forehead is flat and a nose which is barely noticeable?
The funny thing is I had filler on my nose by the time I took the photo.

This photo was taken the next day from the surgery.  At that time, I had cottons inside my nose and nose bled so it was a bit difficult for me to deal with that situation but luckily I didn't have that much bruises and swollen.

This photo was 4th day from the surgery.  I had mild bruises around my eyes and it got me worried so I asked the nurse about it and she explained me that instead of having swollen I am a type of person who has bruises more but fortunately the bruises didn't last long. 
Thanks to Wannabe's post surgery treatment service.

The next photo you are seeing is right after I removed the cast from my nose.  Wow! I finally have a nose!
A nose I can speak out loud to people that I have a nose! hahaha I could breath and felt like I was so much happier than before.
Accidentally I eleted all my photos so I have a little photos were taken at that time  to share with you.
After fat injection on my jowls, my cheeks got fuller in better way so a lot of friends told me I look way better than before. 

This last photo was taken after 2 weeks later from the surgery.
As you see, there is no bruises and swollen got much improved and my nose looked super natural in the photo.  I am so happy with the result.
Especially, the fat injection result turned out to be successful. 
Even I do pony tail nowadays.  Thank you so much for taking care of me Dr. Cha Myung Kyu and those kindest nurses at the clinic.  Also it has been such a long time passed since I did the surgery but Ms. Park kept contacting me to check out if I am doing well and concerns of me.
When I have some time to visit to the clinic I would like to thank all medical team in person and ask them if I have been doing accordingly. 
I will recommend Wannabe Plastic Surgery for those who think of having plastic surgery. 
Thank you again! 

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
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Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr

#RhinoplastyKorea #Lownose #Bulbousnose #Hump #Humpreduction #Deviatednose #Shortnose #Bigalar #Nosejob #Noserevision #Upturnednose #Bignose #Pignose #Nostrilreduction
#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
#DrCharMyungKyu #DrChangCheolHo #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Arrownose#Snubnose

2018년 1월 16일 화요일

[Entertainment] Things we didn't know that effects on shrinking boobs size.

I usually tell my patients when they discharge from the clinic. "Please do avoid smoking and drinking for a while until you are fully recovered from surgery."  Because smoking and drinking can cause infection and literally they are not helpful for recovery process! To every woman, breasts can be such a beauty weapon to seduce men or they are simply a symbol of woman's body figure.  What if your breasts become saggy and droopy?


Honestly I would be sad if that happens to my personal life. Today we are going to find out what behaviors will effect on prompting saggy boobs in our daily life?
First, smoking harms almost every functions in our bodies and cause diseases no matter what. The truth is that smoking breaks down a protein in the skin called elastin. Breast is composed of milk glands, dense breast tissue and fatty tissue.  The elastin takes the role giving elastic appearance on your skin and smoking habit would directly damage this important element in the skin.  Will you smoke still?  Another reason for sagging breasts is by provision of nature which is the gravity effect.  Let's say you have gained over 50 pounds at once, your breasts may start to be looked droopy due to gravity with heavy weight on your breasts.  

That is why it is likely to be seen a person has big breasts has more chance to have saggy boobs because of gravity.  Secondly, you may heard about doing push-ups will help you to make your boobs bigger and tighten in shape.   You know what? It is actually wrong.  Breasts are made up of fat tissue so doing exercising will not be related to enlarge your boob size at all. 

Lastly,  your sleeping posture can change your breasts shape.   Sleeping facing down and on your side a long period of time could reform the shape of your breasts.  Instead of laying facing down, put a pillow under your chest for support if you needed to do so. 

 Look in the mirror and check if your breasts are saggy.  If so, we are always here to help you to get through your problem together. Wannabe Plastic Surgery has many breasts augmentation cases through many years.  Tear drop implant is the most common trendy implant what is higly requested by many female patiens nowadays. 

Small, unbalanced, saggy and inverted nipples etc. can be transfomred into glamorous and fuller.  Get your confidence back and do not hide your boobs anymore.

Consultation is a total free.   Contact us today! 

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855

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2018년 1월 15일 월요일

[Entertainment] How to contour for Asian facial shape.

Did you know that when you decided to have any type of face contouring surgery, also you have to consider of having second options to keep the result long lasting.
For example, thread lifting, face lifting, and accusculpt etc.
For those who are afraid of going under a knife, here is an informative tip how to apply
make up and contour your face with cosmetic products.
If you have any inquiry about surgery, make an appointment today.
The consultation is total free.
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Wechat: wannabekr
#2jawsurgery #Facecontouringsurgery #Anti-aging #Contouringfacialshape #Vline
#Minivline #Ovalshapeofface #Pointychin #Smooththejawline #Threadlifting
#Facelifting #Droopy #Saggying #Tightnening #WannabePlasticSurgery #Antiging#Skinrejuvenation#Saggyskin#Younglook#Wrinkles#Injectingtreatment#Botox#Filler

2018년 1월 14일 일요일

[Announcement] Chang's Needle has registered a design at the patent's office.

Have you ever considered of having plastic surgery to remove dark circle?
Dark circle is a result of hyperpigmentation or the subcutaneous skin layer is thinner than the average thick which is 2mm thick.  Actually the blood inside the veins is blue.  That is why it can be seen easily with blue light.  So people with light skin may be seen as dark tons of color such as dark purple and brown as the light is reflected back to the skin. 
Chang's Needle is invented by the representative doctor Chang Cheol Ho at Wannabe Plastic Surgery through his dedicated effort and trying.  Transconjunctival fat repositioning surgery is when a patient has excessive fats underneath her/his eyes so by repositioning the fat in a right place may remove the dark circle.  Transconjunctival fat repositioning surgery is being performed almost every plastic surgery but the most important thing to remember is an expert who knows about the surgery deeply can create and bring the best result. 
Come to Wannabe Plastic Surgery and have a free consultation.
We are ready to serve our patients at any time.
Don't hid your dark circle.  It is no shameful thing to cover with thick make up.
It is biological issue.  Hurry up and make an appointment today.

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Wechat: wannabekr

#Transconjunctivalfatrepositioning #loveband #excessivefatundereyes #darkcircle #sleepy #dark #fatigue #tired #exhausted #changsneedle #drchangcheolho #inventedbyWannabe #USApatentapplication #Chinautilitymedicaltoolacquisition #Japanutilitymedicaltoolacquisition #PRSacademyactivity #BesteyedoctorinKorea #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Zeromedicalaccident

2018년 1월 11일 목요일

[Anti-aging treatment] Full face fat grafting, a new look transformation!

Hi everyone!
I have done fat grafting recently by Dr.Cha Myung Kyu at Wannabe Plastic Surgery.
It has been almost 2 months since I have completed the second injecting treatment.
At my work, it is not that difficult to see who did plastic surgery or who didn't because most of gender is female and trust me..there are many who does plastic surgery nowadays.
So far, I have seen a few who are not satisfied with their surgery result due to skin irregularity and bumpiness on the surgical area.
The worst case was like this coworker she was expecting her face to be fuller.
Right after she did the surgery, her face seemed to be appeared okay and enough to say that the surgery went well.
However, after a few months later, her face became flat like before she did surgery.
On the contrary, my case turned out to be successful. I strongly think that fat graft survival went awesome.
Actually when I had a consultation at the clinic, the consultant looked very confident when she was telling me that their fat graft survival rate is outstanding.
I was like half and half to believe of what she said but now I can totally agree with her.
I might tell having fat injection at Wannabe is one of the best decisions I ever made in entire my life.
Thumps up! If you have flat and partially dented area on face.
Please go to Wannabe and experience of my story.
I always heard from people that I looked like I am upset or angry due to the shape of my face but ever since I underwent surgery
I hear only positive comments from people like I have soft facial impression and classy.
Every day I am happy to live my life the way I look at present.
Wannabe is Love. Thank you so much!​
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#Fullercheek #Dentedarea #Flatforehead #Dintedjowls #Thicknasolabialfolds #Volunmizeface #Fatgrafting #PRP #Fatinjecting #Miniliposuction #Autografting #Plasma #Highsurvivalrate #Beyounger #Olderlook #Fatfilling #Temple #WannabePlasticSurgery #AhbGuJungPlsticSurgery

[Rhinoplasty] What implant is used in general for rhinoplasty?

The representative doctor Cha Myung Kyu at Wannabe Plastic Surgery specialized eye and nose surgery would like to share some information that many of you wish to know before undergoing
nose job.  Click the video and watch.  You can always feel free to ask for any inquiry regarding surgery.  Enjoy!

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Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr
#RhinoplastyKorea #Lownose #Bulbousnose #Hump #Humpreduction #Deviatednose #Shortnose #Bigalar #Nosejob #Noserevision #Upturnednose #Bignose #Pignose #Nostrilreduction
#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
#DrCharMyungKyu #DrChangCheolHo #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Arrownose#Snubnose

2018년 1월 9일 화요일

[Rhinoplasty specialized Wannabe Plastic Surgery] A male customer's real review!

Hello, everyone.
This is my nose revision real review at Wannabe Plastic Surgery.
I gotta tell you this first I underwent nose surgery beforehand because you guys can imagine of how my nose looked in your head.
My nose before I never let go under a knife was short so I decided to have rhinoplasty
at another clinic before revision.
However, the result didn't turn out well. 
The tip of nose became roundy and not pointy enough even after surgery.
And more importantly,  the proportion of my facial features got unbalanced.
For those who experienced rhinoplasty once and concerns of having revision may already understand that this is the last chance literally once you start to look for a plastic surgery. 
Luckily, I found Wannabe Plastic Surgery after I searched many of other clinics information.
Especially I learned that Dr. Cha Myung Kyu is highly skilled in rhinoplasty so without a hesitation I made an appointment straight and went to Wannabe Plastic Surgery. 
I had a consultation with Dr. Cha Myung Kyu in person and the Korean consultant was super nice and kind. They pointed out thoroughly what do I need to improve on my nose during consultation.
I honestly felt relieve that finally I made a right choice to come Wannabe Plastic Surgery.
What I did was called 3D rhinoplasty which is designed for short nose using septal and ear cartilage.
The length of ear cartilage I needed for surgery was about 6mm.
On the first day of my surgery, everything was okay except breathing through my nose due to cottons inside my nose.
After a week later, you can remove the cast and stitches sutured on the external of nose.
When it is about 2 weeks after surgery, yes! the stitches inside of your nose will be removed.
There is a huge difference when the cast is attached on the nose or not.
Now I like to take a picture of myself more than any other days back in the past.
I love the way I look at present.  Sooner or later I will upload with a month post operation review.
Thank you for your time to read my review!
Happy New Year.

You can contact us today for free consultation.
Wannabe Plastic Surgery is specialized in rhinoplasty and eye surgery.
Especially, revision results have been always satisfied and amazing based on customers' survey.
If you have a problem after undergoing plastic surgery, don't feel you are alone.
We can help you.
Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
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Wechat: wannabekr
#RhinoplastyKorea #Lownose #Bulbousnose #Hump #Humpreduction #Deviatednose #Shortnose #Bigalar #Nosejob #Noserevision #Upturnednose #Bignose #Pignose #Nostrilreduction
#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
#DrCharMyungKyu #DrChangCheolHo #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Arrownose#Snubnose