2018년 1월 14일 일요일

[Announcement] Chang's Needle has registered a design at the patent's office.

Have you ever considered of having plastic surgery to remove dark circle?
Dark circle is a result of hyperpigmentation or the subcutaneous skin layer is thinner than the average thick which is 2mm thick.  Actually the blood inside the veins is blue.  That is why it can be seen easily with blue light.  So people with light skin may be seen as dark tons of color such as dark purple and brown as the light is reflected back to the skin. 
Chang's Needle is invented by the representative doctor Chang Cheol Ho at Wannabe Plastic Surgery through his dedicated effort and trying.  Transconjunctival fat repositioning surgery is when a patient has excessive fats underneath her/his eyes so by repositioning the fat in a right place may remove the dark circle.  Transconjunctival fat repositioning surgery is being performed almost every plastic surgery but the most important thing to remember is an expert who knows about the surgery deeply can create and bring the best result. 
Come to Wannabe Plastic Surgery and have a free consultation.
We are ready to serve our patients at any time.
Don't hid your dark circle.  It is no shameful thing to cover with thick make up.
It is biological issue.  Hurry up and make an appointment today.

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr

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