Hello people. I have underwent my surgery last year. Actually it was August 4th in 2017.
I know it is too late to post my review now. Actually I had many things to handle for a while so I am so sorry Wannabe!
Anyway, I believe everyone out there has their own facial complexion to carry on whether they live with it or fix it.
I used to dislike my hollow jowls and low nose tip and low nasal bridge so I had nose filler a several times to have a high nose tip but
the disadvantage of getting filler injection would not last permanent. I decided to have surgery due to repetitive treatment costs extra money and time takes longer so I Knew about Wannabe Plastic Surgery through one of my friends introduced to me.
During the consultation, I kept thinking about the adverse effects, anesthetic issue and basically all about the surgery matter.
My consultant, Park Seul Gi caught my concerns and she explained well enough to make me understood the procedure and especially when I had a meeting with the doctor I was determined to proceed the surgery at Wannabe Plastic Surgery.
Dr. Cha Myung Kyu pointed out a few important facts I should comprehensive first before undergoing surgery.
Following photos explain the whole process of procedure.
This was taken before undergoing surgery. Can you see that my forehead is flat and a nose which is barely noticeable?
The funny thing is I had filler on my nose by the time I took the photo.
This photo was taken the next day from the surgery. At that time, I had cottons inside my nose and nose bled so it was a bit difficult for me to deal with that situation but luckily I didn't have that much bruises and swollen.
This photo was 4th day from the surgery. I had mild bruises around my eyes and it got me worried so I asked the nurse about it and she explained me that instead of having swollen I am a type of person who has bruises more but fortunately the bruises didn't last long.
Thanks to Wannabe's post surgery treatment service.
The next photo you are seeing is right after I removed the cast from my nose. Wow! I finally have a nose!
A nose I can speak out loud to people that I have a nose! hahaha I could breath and felt like I was so much happier than before.
Accidentally I eleted all my photos so I have a little photos were taken at that time to share with you.
After fat injection on my jowls, my cheeks got fuller in better way so a lot of friends told me I look way better than before.
This last photo was taken after 2 weeks later from the surgery.
As you see, there is no bruises and swollen got much improved and my nose looked super natural in the photo. I am so happy with the result.
Especially, the fat injection result turned out to be successful.
Even I do pony tail nowadays. Thank you so much for taking care of me Dr. Cha Myung Kyu and those kindest nurses at the clinic. Also it has been such a long time passed since I did the surgery but Ms. Park kept contacting me to check out if I am doing well and concerns of me.
When I have some time to visit to the clinic I would like to thank all medical team in person and ask them if I have been doing accordingly.
I will recommend Wannabe Plastic Surgery for those who think of having plastic surgery.
Thank you again!
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#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
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