2018년 1월 19일 금요일

[Rhinoplasty specialized Wannabe Plastic Surgery] A male nose with hump and bulbous tip


Dr. Cha Myung Kyu performed the whole surgery and the patient looks surely handsome.
He had a hump and long droopy nose but his nose tip was closed to bulbous nose shape.
Right now, he can debut as a K-pop idol member :)
The most important face feature is nose indeed.  The whole impression is changed.
Contact us today for free consultation.

Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr

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#Alarbasereduction #Longnose #Witchnose #Dragonnose #Foreignernosejob #BestrhinoplastyKorea
#DrCharMyungKyu #DrChangCheolHo #WannabeplasticsurgeryKorea #Arrownose#Snubnose