S-line Forehead - Nose Surgery
What is ‘S’ line forehead-nose surgery?
‘S’ line forehead-nose surgery not only
enhances the nose but forehead surgery is done at the same time to have a
perfect profile line that is from the forehead to the nose and a three
dimensional face. Forehead implant is customized based on the forehead shape to
insert, or auto graft is done in this surgery.
S-line Forehead - Nose Surgery is for:
- Those who desire a change of nose and a voluminous forehead
- Those who wish to have balanced profile line in one single surgery
- Those who want improvement of protruded mouth without undergoing protruded mouth correction surgery or braces
- Those who want to have a smooth and yet stylish impression
Characteristics of S-line Forehead - Nose Surgery
- Apply the most appropriate diagnostic and surgical methods, depending on the precise shape of the nose
- Improvement of protruded mouth just by the move of nose pillar without any orthodontic procedures
- Achieve a perfect profile line from the forehead to the nose tip
- Maximize the effect of 3D and young face by fat transfer in forehead, cheek, nasolabial fold, chin, etc.
- Achieve an oval shaped smooth and sleek face without any facial contouring procedures
- Small and flat forehead will turn into a wide, round and sleek forehead to give soft and stylish impression
- Surgery is done with painless slight sedation which will provide a fast recovery to return to daily life
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