Lower Eyelids Surgery - Love bands
The well padded skin beneath the eye is called love bands.
The more it is developed, the more lively and younger you look.
This makes your smile softer and whole facial impression can be improved.
If love bands are not so developed and comparatively flat,
you can fix this by transplanting some of your own fat or some artificial fat,
and make beautiful love bands.
you can fix this by transplanting some of your own fat or some artificial fat,
and make beautiful love bands.
Characteristics of Love Bands
* Operation time is about 10mins only, and has an immediate effect
* One's desired line and volume level kind of sophisticated things can be customized
* Fast recovery is possible due to less swelling and scars
* Safety proven fillers are used which are not harmful to human body and can be dissolved once wanted
Operation Time
10 mins
Anesthesia ointment
Stitch Removal
No needed
No needed
No needed
Daily Life
Right after the surgery
Ways to get love bands
Micro Fat Auto Transplantation
Micro Fat transplantation
Alloderm transplantation
B/A pictures
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