Wannabe Plastic Surgery - Plastic Surgery Promotion
The purpose of this plastic surgery promotion is to spread us, Wannabe Plastic Surgery, all over the world! Hence, we are asking the applicants to leave a review or any kind of comments on their experience with Wannabe Plastic Surgery in online communities or forums.
You get to undergo surgery with discounted costs just by writing some posts!
Pretty cool eh?
However, we don't want to force people to do so. We understand that they might feel uncomfortable leaving comments or get exposed online regarding on their plastic surgery experiences. This is more of voluntary, so don't worry for those who don't want to do anything for the promotion. It will be still fine :)
But even short comments or reviews will be very very much appreciated♥
Let's find out which plastic surgery procedures are in promotion!
As you can see,
Event 1 is basically the promotion cost for each plastic surgery procedures.
Event 2 is an additional discount out of Event 1 costs if you undergo surgery together with your friend(s)
Wish to enhance your look but afraid to undergo a surgery?
Don't worry as we are performing the best surgery considering your safety as priority
Never heard of Wannabe Plastic Surgery?
Doubting if the doctors are really skilled or not?
Worried if your surgery will go wrong?
Check out below information on our specialists and our real models' before and after pictures. Performed procedures: natural adhesion (non incision) double eyelid surgery, rhinoplasty (hump, osteotomy), 3D PRP face fat graft, breast surgery (mammoplasty), facial contouring surgery (V-line surgery = square jaw reduction + chin surgery)
* Please understand that the promotion may be closed earlier than expected, so you might need hurry up if you are considering to take advantage of our events!
Need more information?
Go to our Webpage : http://english.wannabeps.com/
Follow us on Instagram: wannabeps_korea
Wechat: wannabekr
Line: wannabeps
Kakao talk: wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Kakao talk: wannabeps
Tel: +82-10-7213-8855
E-mail : wannabeps@gmail.com
Webpage: http://english.wannabeps.com/
Facebook : http://www.facebook.com/WANNABEKOREA