It is required a lot of attention to manage health care as an influenza has come a little earlier than usual, this also is known as acute respiratory disease normally accompanied with high fever and headache or other constitutional symptoms. 
An influenza is being commonly called bad flu. It is contagious that would be spread by sneezing or coughing and the incubation period is about 1 to 4 days and the average days for hiding is for 2 days. If you have those following symptoms, you may have to go to see a doctor as soon as possible. The symptoms are high fever over 38 degrees, coughing, headache, muscle spasm, fatigue, loss appetite and sore throat.

Today we are going to find out how to prevent us from getting infected by this notorious disease in our daily life on this blog.
First: Wash your hands when you come back from the outside. It is easy to do or it can be easily forgotten to do when you are back to indoor from outdoor. Investing only 30 seconds for washing your hands with sobbing can actually protect you from bacteria.

Second: Covering mouth while coughing
Places where typically crowded such as subway or bus, you may see some coughing without covering their mouth with cloths. As it is mentioned earlier in the first paragraph, the disease is likely to be transferred by coughing or sneezing. So when you witness someone coughing or when you feel like you want to sneeze in public place, it is recommended to cover your mouth with cloths. Using hands would be unhelpful since your saliva is component bacteria as well.
Third: Do not touch your eyes, nose, and mouth with hands.
This small change can be the most certain way to keep yourself in health status. And it may be quite right to keep a distance from a person got infected having runny nose, cough, and fever. 
Fourth: Get a flu shot in advance
Even if you are a person who is easily disremember those three habits mentioned as above, getting an injection has 70~90% effect for precaution.
So if you haven't gotten one yet, why don't you go to hospital with your parents or family together?
There are other ways to stay away from the flu. For instance, make yourself warm with thick clothes and always wear muffler or gloves when you go outside in such cold weather. And avoid to do hard exercise making you get tired.
Do some simple and light exercise like a walking for 15 minutes.
Plus, maintain indoor temperature between 18~20 degree. The best way is to stay inside warm if it is not that emergency errand to go out.

Here is the real story about one customer, came for a consultation recently considering of doing nose revision. She did the nose surgery in 2015 at another plastic surgery clinic and implanted silicon on her nose bridge. When I looked at her nose, her tip was really droopy and crooked. She was worried if it is the previous doctor couldn't perform the surgery well or not. Actually, the main cause was because of the infection. You might probably think any artificial implant could provoke an infection whatsoever? The answer is "No". Her current job is a flight attendant which is almost difficult to manage regular schedule. She told me she hasn't been sleeping enough recently. As her fatigue gained more and more, her immune system became weak so that the surgical area where she had silicon on her nose started to form unexpected shape and infected her nose. Therefore, it is really important to maintain your body condition as stable as you can. You need to pay attention to the signs what your body tells you. When you are thirsty, drink water. When you need sleep, get some sleep. It is so simple to fulfill the needs if you listen carefully to the body and please remember the false of surgery outcome isn't always relate to the doctor's performance.
In other words, your behavior and habit needs to be monitored first.
Thank you for reading this and I hope this time was also entertaining you guys. I will come back later with better instructive information.
Happy holidays beforehand :)
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