In medical term, the orbit is socket of the skull in which the eye and its appendages are located. Around this site there is fat just like any other parts of body as well. As we age, the supporting structure that keeps your facial appearance young and fresh also starts to fail. When your skin starts to sag, this particular fat bag situated underneath the lower eyelid shift downward. Moreover, the more we lose the fat and collagen surrounding eyes, the thinner of our skin magnifies the appearance of dark eye circles. What would be your first impression if you confront to a person who has severe dark circles? Probably, you may want to ask to the person "Couldn't you sleep well last night?"
"Are you okay?" etc. questions consisting of a lot of worries.
Therefore, eyes can influence on social relationship by provoking unintended misunderstanding. Can we remove this annoying dark circles from our face? Yes, we can.
The modern medical techniques have been keep evolving amazingly. At Wannabe Plastic Surgery, we can help you to obtain beautiful defined eyes that you don't need to hear unwanted judgements of your looking from others. How we could prevent this event? The answer is simple. Get transconjunctval fat repositioning surgery and live young and fresh!
The following instruction is the process of transconjuctval fat repositioning procedure:
1. Local anesthesia - 2. Dissect the internal lower of eyes conjunctiva - 3. Separates the fats -
4. Fixation separated fats by pushing into under eye bone with a stitching fiber.
Cons: 1. Permanent non-invasive surgery
2. Returning to daily life is possible from the next day from the surgery
Pros: 1. Swollen or bruises can happen around the eyes.
There is a special tool known as Chang's needle for only transconjunctval fat repositioning surgery and because of this sensational invention brought many plastic surgeons attention through all over the world and most importantly the Chang's needle made the operation a lot easier. If you are planning to undergo this surgery, I suggest you to find the proper doctor who has gone through many performances and knows exactly how to satisfy customer's needs. That is why I am introducing Wannabe's pride and assets, Dr. Jang Chul- Ho and Dr. Cha Myung Gyu, both the inventors of the Chang's needle and the operation surgeons. In addition, their dissertation of New Internal Fixation Technique for Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning has published in the notorious global medical journal, known as PRS(Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Global Open) about the new technique.
Here is Dr. Jang's sincere thoughts after he was received the honorable letter from PRS.
"Every day, I have studied hard about how could I develop and improve the surgery method and how patients can enable to maintain long term result without considering revision. Through many fails and experiments I finally ended up to the point my contribution is finally recognized by the crowds and surely that made me extremely happy as well. From this moment of time, I will put my efforts on motivating myself to seek variety surgery methods and medical equipments so not only local patients but also the patients all over the world can receive benefits from my dedication. "
Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr
"Are you okay?" etc. questions consisting of a lot of worries.
Therefore, eyes can influence on social relationship by provoking unintended misunderstanding. Can we remove this annoying dark circles from our face? Yes, we can.
The modern medical techniques have been keep evolving amazingly. At Wannabe Plastic Surgery, we can help you to obtain beautiful defined eyes that you don't need to hear unwanted judgements of your looking from others. How we could prevent this event? The answer is simple. Get transconjunctval fat repositioning surgery and live young and fresh!
The following instruction is the process of transconjuctval fat repositioning procedure:
1. Local anesthesia - 2. Dissect the internal lower of eyes conjunctiva - 3. Separates the fats -
4. Fixation separated fats by pushing into under eye bone with a stitching fiber.
Cons: 1. Permanent non-invasive surgery
2. Returning to daily life is possible from the next day from the surgery
Pros: 1. Swollen or bruises can happen around the eyes.
There is a special tool known as Chang's needle for only transconjunctval fat repositioning surgery and because of this sensational invention brought many plastic surgeons attention through all over the world and most importantly the Chang's needle made the operation a lot easier. If you are planning to undergo this surgery, I suggest you to find the proper doctor who has gone through many performances and knows exactly how to satisfy customer's needs. That is why I am introducing Wannabe's pride and assets, Dr. Jang Chul- Ho and Dr. Cha Myung Gyu, both the inventors of the Chang's needle and the operation surgeons. In addition, their dissertation of New Internal Fixation Technique for Transconjunctival Fat Repositioning has published in the notorious global medical journal, known as PRS(Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Global Open) about the new technique.
Here is Dr. Jang's sincere thoughts after he was received the honorable letter from PRS.
"Every day, I have studied hard about how could I develop and improve the surgery method and how patients can enable to maintain long term result without considering revision. Through many fails and experiments I finally ended up to the point my contribution is finally recognized by the crowds and surely that made me extremely happy as well. From this moment of time, I will put my efforts on motivating myself to seek variety surgery methods and medical equipments so not only local patients but also the patients all over the world can receive benefits from my dedication. "
Tel: +82 10 7213 8855
Watsapp: +82 10 7213 8855
Kakao: eng_wannabeps
Line: wannabeps
Wechat: wannabekr