Fat Grafting (Fat-transfer)
Fat grafting, also called fat transfer, plumps up facial or body features with a patient's own fat. Fat transfer is designed to minimize wrinkles and fill in parts of the face or body with a "sunken" appearance. It can also reduce scarring and correct deformities. Since fat transfer uses your own fat cells, there is no risk of the body rejecting the tissue.
Who is a candidate?
People with:
- Decreased facial volume due to diseases such as hemifacial atrophy.
- Sunken cheeks and wrinkles due to aging.
- Facial scars, such as from acne.
Intended Result
- Improved body contour, reduced scarring, or enhanced features.
Procedure Description
- Fat transfer is performed on an outpatient basis. Both the area from which the fat is taken and the treatment site are anesthetized with a local anesthetic.
- Using a small needle, fat is removed from an area of the body where it is tightly packed, such as the abdomen or the buttocks.
- Once removed, the fat is processed to remove excess fluids and then re-injected just under the skin using another needle.
Request a consultation with Wannabe
Call center(English) : +82-10-7213-8855
Website : http://english.wannabeps.com/
E-mail : wannabeps@gmail.com
Wechat: wannabekr
Line: wannabeps
Kakaotalk: eng_wannabeps
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