2015년 5월 6일 수요일

Wannabe Plastic Surgery - Gynecomastia Correction

Gynecomastia Correction

What is Gynecomastia?

Gynecomastia is a phenomenon of male breasts growing as females' by the development of lobule-alveolar-system and accumulation of fat. This doesn't affect on one's health, but may feel uncomfortable to go to swimming pool or sauna like places and even be a part of a group life.Therefore, if it is too stressful, then it is suggested to get gynecomastia corrected and recover self-confidence

Causes of Gynecomastia

Gynecomastia usually occurs when going through the puberty due to the imbalance of hormones such as estrogen and androgen, which increases female hormones. Also, it may also be caused by drug abuse which affects the hormonal system. Gynecomastia normally gets better when they get over puberty but if it still remains afterwards, then gynecomastia correction should be considered.

Treatment of Gynecomastia

In the past, subcutaneous mastectomy was done through periareolar incision assisted with liposuction to trim the surroundings. As the liposuction devices are developed in these days, liposuction is the main procedure and those unremoved fibrous tissue at the lower part of the areola will be eliminated through the areolar incision.

Surgery method

Laser Liposuction
Effective for undeveloped mammary gland with accumulated fats. Through a tiny transaxillary incision, cannula is inserted to dissolve fats and correct with the liposuction device. In case of developed mammary gland case, you can get better results by mammary gland excision by periareolar incision
Gynecomastia Correction Surgery Method
  • Tiny traxillary or periareolar incision
  • Lipolysis is done by laser cannula
  • Liposuction with electic liposuction device

Mammary Gland Excision
It is difficult to effectively remove the mammary gland just by liposuction when there is a lot of minutely developed mammary gland. Hence, mammary gland is directly removed and corrected through 2~3cm of periareolar incision.
Gynecomastia Correction Surgery Method

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