3D Rhinoplasty (Nose Plastic Surgery)
3D Nose Surgery - Low Nose Bridge |
Low Nose Bridge Surgery is a the mostly done in order to correct flat nose. This is a method of inserting an artificial or autologous implant and sharpening the nose bridge. The shape or sharpness of the nose should be decided after careful consideration over measurement of forehead, middle of the forehead, and their shapes. Flat nose is the most conventional nose shape of Eastern people, and it makes their faces look flat, and the space between the eyes broad. In this case, with the Low Nose Bridge Surgery, you can give a three-dimensional effect on your face.
Low Nose Bridge Surgery is for:
*Most of Asians' nose
*Those who have flat face due to low nose bridge
*Those who have small and low nose
3D Nose Surgery - Low Nose Tip |
One of the typical features of the Asian nose is to have a low nose bridge and tip and this fact corresponds to most of Asians. Nose tip is the most important part to determine beauty of a nose; therefore, tip plasty it is the most important job in rhinoplasty. The ideal nose tip shape is to be narrow and have sleek smooth profile line.
Low Nose Tip Surgery is for:
*Most of Asians' nose
*Those who have Low Nose Bridge as long as Low Nose Tip
*Those who have Low Nose Tip compared to the Nose Bridge
3D Nose Surgery - Hump Nose
Hump Nose is a when you have a bump in the nose due to the over growth of nose bone or nose cartilage. This is either due to innate or acquired case. This hump gives a strong and negative impression to others in personal relationship. This kind of nose could be corrected into a smoother one by reshaping the nose bridge with the Hump Nose Correction Surgery Method.
Hump Nose Correction Surgery is for:
Those who have projected nose bridge compared to the nose tip height
Those who have bumpiness on the nose even when the nose bridge is not so high
3D Nose Surgery - Short nose (upturned nose)
The most ideal angle between nose pillar and lips (nose-lips angle) is 90~105 degrees for women, and 90~90 degrees for men. Short nose is one of the typical features of the Asian nose, which the nose length is short while nose-lips angle is big. This gives cosmetically bad impression as the nostrils are shown excessively.
*Those who have big nose-lips angle which shows the nostrils too much
*Those whose nose is generally small and short
3D Nose Surgery - Long Nose (arrowed nose)
Long Nose is a nose that looks lagged and longer than it should be, considering the whole balance of the face. It makes the person look older and gives negative impression to others. The arrow shape that is being formed when you laugh is caused by over development of nasal septum downward muscles. On the other hand, long nose usually comes from abnormal structure of cartilage of nasal septum and cartilago alaris.
Long Nose (arrowed nose) Surgery is for:
*Those who have long nose bridge and drooping nose tip
*Those who have arrowed nose when laugh
3D Nose Surgery - Bulbous Nose
Bulbous nose is the nose that have blunt nasal tip and broad nosewing. This gives cramped impression to others. Bulbous nose is formed by over development and spreading of ala nasi cartilages or excessive subcutaneous fat.
Bulbous Nose Surgery is for:
*Those who have round and wide nose tip
*Those who have excessively developed nose tip cartilage
Wide dorsum is to have broad nose bone which gives dull and clumsy impression to others. Nose shape may be changed to give more refined and classy impression through osteotomy that gathers the nose and reduce the nose width
Wide Dorsum Surgery is for:
*Those who have wide nose dorsum
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