Different types of Lifting
Ultra V Lifting
Ultra V Lifting is a non-surgical treatment to inject dissolvable threads to the skin.
The safest thread, which was licensed by KFDA under 4th class, called PDO thread is used on sagging cheeks, chin, crow's feet, nasolabial fold wrinkles. It is not only effective in skin lifting but also in stimulating collagen and production
Silhouette Lifting

Tess Lifting
Unlike the existing thread used in lifting, a special thread that has ribbon shaped mesh is injected to pull the wrinkles tight or make a V-line face. The subcutaneous tissue and skin is pulled and fixed to the other side of sagging skin. As there are mesh prickles on the thread, it is much effective to pull the nasolabial fold, sagging chin, neck and etc. The thread is actually injected to the area which critically affects the wrinkles and the lifting effect will increas as time passes
Slight micro fat dissolving laser irradiation to the face and wrinkles is done to remove fine fats that dominates facial contour. This will make the face slimmer and induces collagen production for skin elasticity.
Endoscopic-Assisted Forehead Lifting
Once you age, your eyelids will get saggy and you will try to raise your eye brows due to the stuffy vision which will worsen the forehead wrinkles. Sagging eye brows let one look tired, depressed and even look old from deep wrinkles of forehead and glabella. Long icision used to be done following the upper forehead's hair line to fix the sagging skin and muscle upwards. However, due to the scar, numbness, bruising and swelling, 2~3 tiny incisions of 2~3cm are made at the back part of the hair line with endoscopic assisted to perform the forehead lifting in these days.
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