Double eyelid surgery & Rhinoplasty
There are grossly two kinds of double eyelid surgery.
One is the natural incision
method which is adequate for thick eyelid skin with severe loosened
eyelid skin. If it’s not your case, then you may go ahead with natural adhesion method (non-incision).
Natural adhesion method is an upgrade version of burial method.
There is no incision, and yet it’s natural with less swelling which lets you to
recover and go back to life in 3~4 days.
The principle of the double eyelids is when fibrous connective
tissue congenitally exists between the levator which is skin and muscle and
this makes the line.
To make this line artificially by stitches is the burial
method. However, muscle and fat exist between the skin and levator. The more
tissue exists, the more possibility for loosening of the stitches occurs.
Hence through the stitch holes removes this tissue and induces
coagulation between the skin and levator. It also prevents the loosening, which
is the weakness of burial method and makes natural double eyelids.
It takes about 30-60 minutes for natural adhesion method, and
recovery time will be about a week to go back to daily life / work / school, as
major swelling will fade away.
In natural adhesion method, partial fat may be removed during
surgery under free of charge.
Natural incision method is adequate for the skin which is very
saggy and thick
Unlike the existing incision method, our natural incision
method’s recovery time is faster and it is less obvious that gives natural
double eyelids.
Medial epicanthoplasty is hardly recognized by others since it
is natural looking, and it is helpful to widen the width of the eyes making
them well-defined.
If your eyes are not slanted nor dented, lateral canthoplasty
is effective.
Lower canthoplasty is effective to lower the slanted eyes.
Ptosis correction helps to reduce the usage of forehead muscles
to open the eyes and make more well-defined eyes.
What is Ptosis correction? video↓↓↓↓↓↓
If nose tip surgery is done just putting the existing
cartilage, implant, or alloderm on top of the nose tip, the nose tip will get
higher and yet the roundness of the nostrils will still remain which will give
an unnatural and obvious nose. We, Wannabe, use septal cartilage to let it work
as a column something like a tent pole. We pile the rest of cartilages to
adjust and higher the nose tip as wished which will be supported by the structure.
So the nose won’t be deviated, and the nostrils won’t be round but be more
natural - oval shaped just like western people’s noses.
Also, surgery is done by using cartilage instead of implants,
hence you will be able to prevent side effects caused by implants such as;
becoming thin skin that lets see the implant through, becoming red, or becoming
hard and non-moving.
Real story about double eyelid & nos job video↓↓↓↓↓↓
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