*Did you know that coming-of-age-day not only exists in Japan but Korea as well?
What is Coming-of-Age-Day?
In Korea, citizens are permitted to marry, vote, drive, drink alcohol, and smoke at age 19.
The Monday of the third week of May is "coming-of-age day".
On that day, those entering adulthood are to receive three gifts: flowers, perfume and a kiss.
There has been a traditional coming of age ceremony since before Goryeo dynasty, but it has mostly disappeared.
However, youths are still celebrating this day, not as traditionally as the past, but still expressing their happiness and joyfulness in different ways.
This year's coming-of-age-day in Korea was the 19th of May, Monday.
Many K-pop and Korean celebrities are also celebrating this day.
20 Roses
It seems like flower languages and their meanings are a bit different in each countries.
Red roses stands for 'passionate love' in Korea.
In coming-of-age-day in Korea, 20 red roses are given as a present.
(it doesn't necessarily have to be 20 roses though)
It is to wish one's passionate youthfulness and to keep happiness in life.
20 roses just stands for the age of adult, which is to say that they are not "babies" anymore.
Perfume is also one of the presents in coming-of-age-day in Korea.
This is to congratulate a new start as in a member of society.
Forget-me-not is another meaning of giving perfume, which is to mean
'Don't forget me as I want to remain in your memory for long time'
and the last present is,
Kiss from a lover is to express an everlasting love.
It is for them to show that they are grown ups,
and by kissing they would promise a long lasting and healthy love.